
This page resumes the meetings, seminars and all other scientific activities linked to the EDP.

Insee EDP users meeting

08/04/2025, 9:30 - 17:00, Insee Direction Générale in Montrouge or Zoom meeting

Insee EDP users meeting

07/11/2023, 9:30 - 17:00, Insee Direction Générale in Montrouge or Zoom meeting

Insee EDP users meeting

03/06/2019, 14h00 - 17h00, room Malinvaud RC-B-228, Insee Direction Générale in Montrouge

CASD/ IAB on the advances in social sciences using administrative and survey data

March 28-29, 2019 in Paris

Conference: Comparer des données administratives dans un cadre international : problèmes et enjeux, Ined, Paris (10/12/2018)

Giulia FERRARI: "Les données administratives : Quelques références internationales présentées à partir du site Big_stat"

Link to the full program

Communication at the 16th Meeting of the European Network for the Sociological and Demographic Study of Divorce, Tel-Aviv (10-12 octobre 2018)

Carole BONNET, Giulia FERRARI, Anne SOLAZ: "“Til retirement do us part”? The divorce risk of seniors in France"

Poster at the Postponement of Parenthood Conference, Villa Vigoni, Italy (3-6 september 2018)

Marie-Caroline COMPANS: "Childless at Midlife: pathways associated with infertility at age 35/38 in France"

Communications at the 13th Journées de Méthodologie Statistique, Paris (12-14 June 2018)

Sébastien DURIER: "L’échantillon démographique permanent a 50 ans : retours sur un dispositif statistique original"

Laurent TOULEMON, Sébastien DURIER, Benjamin MARTEAU: "Au recensement, 2,3 % de doubles comptes, d’après l’échantillon démographique permanent"

Communications at the European Population Conference 2018, Brussels, Belgium (6/6-9/6/2018)

Giulia FERRARI, Laurent TOULEMON: "Is the French PACS similar to cohabitation or marriage? Recently merged census and tax data on family situations and transitions"

Matthieu SOLIGNAC: "Within and beyond national borders: How administrative linked data can revive internal migration studies"

Laurent TOULEMON; Sébastien DURIER; Benjamin MARTEAU: "Towards a Precise and Accurate Analysis of the Situation of Two-Home Children in France from New Demographic Panel Data"

Communication at the Ined PhD student day 2018, Paris (24/05/2018)

Louise CARON, "Les effets d’une mobilité internationale sur les trajectoires professionnelles : le cas de la France"

Communications at PAA 2018 Annual Meeting (26-28 april 2018)

Giulia FERRARI, Laurent TOULEMON: "Is the French PACS similar to cohabitation or marriage? New data on family situations and transitions"

Matthieu SOLIGNAC: "Within and beyond national borders: How administrative linked data can revive internal migration studies"

Insee EDP users meeting 

Thursday, 15th of March 2018 - 10h00 : 13h00, room Malinvaud at MK1 (Malakoff, Direction Générale de l’Insee)

Journée d’études de la Plateforme Universitaire de Données de Strasbourg

Quelles sont les utilisations des données de recensement en SHS? Production, diffusion et traitement.

29-30 janvier 2018, à la Maison Interuniversitaire des Sciences de l’Homme - Alsace, Strasbourg.

Communications at the 28th International Population Conference, Cape Town, South Africa (30/10-03/11/2017)

Sébastien DURIER, Vianney COSTEMALLE: "Studying unmarried cohabitation with the French Demographic Panel"

Laurent TOULEMON; Sébastien DURIER; Benjamin MARTEAU: "Two homes, two families? People counted twice in the French rotating census"

Poster at the 15th Meeting of the European Network for the Sociological and Demographic Study of Divorce, Antwerp (5-7 october 2017)

Giulia FERRARI. "Who stays in the house and who moves out after divorce in France ?"